“Over $1,000,000 spent annually on irrelevant emails by a typical large company” Jackson, T., Burgess, A. and Edwards, J. (2006). A simple approach to improving email communication: going back to basics. Communications of the ACM, 49(6), pp.107-109.
“Over 100 trillion emails are sent every year” http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/01/12/internet-2010-in-numbers/
“64% have sent/received email causing anger or resentment” https://www.sendmail.com/sm/company/press_releases/2013/0617_mbti/
“42% of corporate email is ignored” http://vingapp.com/via680-infographic-on-the-state-of-email-communication/a
“80% of executives see email as an effective communication toul for employees” http://www.yourthoughtpartner.com/email-perception-study/
“Email costs $300B annually in lost productivity” http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/the-social-economy
“Employees spend a quarter of each day on email” http://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?sd=6/12/2014&id=pr827&ed=12/31/2014
“High empathy companies are more successful” https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/12/which-companies-are-best-at-empathy/
“Empathy is fundamental to great leadership” http://www.ccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EmpathyInTheWorkplace.pdf
“50% of emails are misunderstood” Kruger, J., Epley, N., Parker, J., Ng, ZW. (2005) Egocentrism over e-mail: can we communicate as well as we think? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vul. 89, No. 6, 925-936.